Legal regulations

I. definitions

For the purpose of these Regulations the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them here:

  1. Service - website available at, containing the information about the Conference and directly or indirectly enabling registration at the Conference as an Attendee or Speaker.
  2. Registration Service - a website directly enabling registration at the Conference as an Attendee.
  3. Organiser - Conferia Events Dariusz Grzesista company with its registered office in Rybnik at Wodzisławska 50A street, postal code: 44-200, Poland, VAT ID: PL6422172643, REGON: 273618346.
  4. Conference - conference under the name of "PHPCon Poland 2024", organised by the Organiser on the premise of the Hotel Stok Ski & Spa in Wisła, Poland, 52A Jawornik Street, within the period from October 25 to 26, 2024.
  5. User - a natural person of age using the Service.
  6. Agenda - a detailed programme of the Conference established by the Organiser and shared in the Service after agreeing upon a part or all of the Speakers. The Agenda shared by the Organiser is illustrative and may change.
  7. Attendee - a person eligible to take part in the Conference and be granted additional benefits, specified in details in paragraph IV of the Regulations.
  8. Speaker - a person entitled to give a lecture during the Conference and chosen by the Organiser according to the procedure referred to in paragraph V of the Regulations.

II. general provisions

  1. You can only use the Service and services offered through it upon accepting the terms of these Regulations, the Code of Conduct and the Privacy Policy.
  2. All rights to the name of the Service and Conference are reserved to Conferia Events and can be used only upon consent granted by this company.
  3. These Regulations are to be based on Polish state law and European Union law, in particular on:
    1. General Data Protection Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of 14 April 2016;
    2. The Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data;
    3. The Act of 18 July 2002 on provision of services by electronic means;
    4. The Act of 23 April 1964, Civil Code;
    5. The Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights.
  4. On matters related to using the Service or participation in the Conference, a User can contact the Organiser through one of the communication contact details specified on the Contact page.

III. use of the service

  1. The use of the Service, Registration Service and all their functionality shall require the access to the Internet network and use of a standard web browser.
  2. To ensure security of the data transferred via the Service, technical and organisational measures which are appropriate to the risks presented by using the Service shall be taken by the Organiser.
  3. A User shall be obliged to observe the rule prohibiting overuse of the Service, in particular:
    1. Supplying content causing disturbance or overload of the Service or systems used by the parties providing services directly or indirectly in electronic form;
    2. Supplying content that might violate personal rights of third parties, copyrights, intellectual property rights, business confidentiality, or other content that would in any way violate binding regulations, or good morals;
    3. Supplying content containing viruses and other dangerous software, e.g. worms, Trojan horses, keyloggers, or other;
    4. Supplying content that might cause dissemination of commercial information not ordered by recipients (SPAM) or other illegal content — as well as providing any other illegal content.

IV. participation in the conference

A. participation as an Attendee

  1. Participation in the Conference as an attendee entitles a person to take part in all lectures included in the Agenda and to receive additional benefits, specified in details in paragraph IV.A.2. of the Regulations.
  2. Additionally, each attendee shall be entitled to:
    1. Receive one kit of conference materials;
    2. Participate in coffee breaks and meals.
  3. The participation in the Conference as an attendee is paid. Participation fee is fixed, however, an Attendee can purchase an admission ticket for a price lower than the catalogue price, taking advantage of special offers announced by the Organiser. Participation fee is indicated in a price list available through the registration form.
  4. The cost referred to in paragraph IV.A.3 shall be applicable to participation in the Conference of one person.
  5. Payment for participation in the Conference might be made in the Polish currency or Euro. Participation fee, dependent on the chosen currency, is indicated in the price list referred to in paragraph IV.A.3.
  6. A User shall register at the Conference as an attendee by filling in and sending an electronic Attendee Registration Form, available at the Registration Service.
  7. Before sending the Attendee Registration Form, a User shall read these Regulations, the Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy. Sending the filled in form to the Organiser by the User is equal to filing an offer for a contract for participation in the Conference.
  8. The Organiser shall confirm reception of the offer referred to in paragraph IV.A.7 by sending confirmation e-mail to the User’s address.
  9. Payment for the participation in the Conference shall be made within the term and to the bank account specified by the Organiser. Payment can also be made through the electronic payment system.
  10. Effecting payment is equal to concluding a contract for participation in the Conference.
  11. A User shall be entitled to resign from the participation in the Conference by 14 days before the Conference at the latest, by sending a written declaration of will cancelling the participation in the Conference by registered mail to the Organiser’s address. The date of cancellation shall be deemed met if the letter is posted within the aforementioned period. In case of resignation referred to in this provision, the Organiser shall reimburse the User for the participation in the Conference fee, less commissions resulting from the method of payment chosen by the User. The reimbursement shall be made within 30 days, based on a correction invoice accepted by the User.
  12. Notification on replacement of the Attendee, indicating the parties concerned, shall be sent via e-mail to the address specified by the Organiser not later than 10 days before the date of commencement of the Conference.
  13. Admission to workshops is separately charged and the separate registration is required. Registration of workshop attendees shall be announced by the Organiser to the Conference attendees at least 3 days before the start of the registration.
  14. Due to the limited number of seats for individual workshops, the Organiser shall not guarantee participation in workshops to all Conference attendees.
  15. Registration of workshop attendees shall be carried out until all places are occupied. Participation in workshops shall be based on the order in which applications are received.

B. participation as a Speaker

  1. A User shall register at the Conference as a Speaker by filling in and sending to the Organiser an electronic Speaker Registration Form, available at the Service.
  2. Participation in the Conference as a Speaker shall depend on evaluation of the sent application by the Organiser. The applications shall be qualified by a Programme Committee nominated by the Organiser. The decision shall be final binding and shall be without appeal. The Organiser shall inform the User on the results of evaluation in electronic form.
  3. In case of a positive evaluation of the application, the Speaker shall prepare and send his presentation to the Organiser’s e-mail address not later than 14 days before the date of commencement of the Conference.
  4. By applying for the Conference, a User shall grant to the Organiser non-exclusive license to use the materials transferred to them in relation with participation in the Conference — English copies of abstracts — depending on the language of the lecture — as well as presentations and speeches of the Speaker during the Conference. The licence shall also include the use of the Speaker’s image and the following:
    1. Within the scope of recording and multiplication — recording and multiplication of material with any technique, including printing, reprography, and digital technique, on any form of media, including CD and solid state media, as well as entering and transfer of the materials to memories of information and communication systems;
    2. Within the scope of broadcasting — hiring, lending, and marketing of the media on which the materials have been recorded.
    3. Within the scope of broadcasting in a manner other than specified in point (b) above — sharing in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them; projection, broadcasting and rebroadcasting, both by terrestrial and by satellite transmission, transfer of Rights for transmission through the streaming system, both live and on demand.
    The licence shall be granted provided that the application was favourably evaluated according to subparagraph IV.B.2.
  5. Participation in the Conference as a Speaker requires registration as an attendee too.

V. withdrawal from the agreement

  1. Pursuant to the act on consumer rights of May 30, 2014 (JoL, Dz. U. of 2014, item 827, as amended) Attendee has the right to withdraw from the Agreement (resign from participation in the Conference) without giving reasons, within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement. To meet the deadline it is enough to send before the deadline a written statement to the Organizer's address indicated in the Service. The deadline will be considered met if a registered letter is sent within this deadline.
  2. In case of withdrawal from the aforementioned Agreement, the Organizer will return to the User the amount corresponding to the payment for the participation in the Conference after deducting commissions resulting from the payment channel selected by the Attendee and, in case of the withdrawal submitted:
    1. by August 31, 2024 at the latest the Organizer will return the Attendee 100% of the paid fee,
    2. by September 15, 2024 at the latest the Organizer will return the Attendee 50% of the paid fee,
    3. by September 30, 2024 at the latest the Organizer will return the Attendee 25% of the paid fee,
    4. later than September 30, 2024 the Attendee shall not be entitled to a return of the fee.
  3. The fee will be repaid within 30 days on the basis of a corrective invoice accepted (signed) by the Attendee.
  4. An Attendee concluding a contract less than 14 days before the starting date of the Conference shall request the commencement of the service before the 14-day period referred to in Clause 2 has passed.
  5. The Attendee shall not have the right to withdraw from the agreement referred to in Clause 1 if:
    1. the Organizer has fully performed the service with the explicit consent of the Attendee, who was informed prior to the commencement of the service, that after the service is performed by the Organizer they will lose the right to withdraw from the agreement;
    2. performance of the service began with the explicit consent of the Attendee before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the agreement and after the Organiser has informed the Attendee about the loss of the right to withdraw from the agreement.
  6. In the case of concluding the Agreement under the terms and conditions specified in Clause 4, the right to withdraw from the Agreement shall not apply.
  7. The Organiser shall have the right to withdraw from the Agreement by the day preceding the commencement of the Conference. A statement of withdrawal from the Agreement should be submitted to the Attendee in writing or by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Attendee at Registration.
  8. If the Organiser submits a statement on withdrawal from the Agreement, the Agreement shall be deemed not concluded and the Organiser shall return to the Attendee the entire Conference Fee paid by the Attendee within 14 days from the date of withdrawal to the bank account provided by the Attendee.

VI. personal data protection

  1. The Organiser processes personal data in accordance with the applicable Privacy Policy.

VII. claims

  1. All claims might be lodged by a User using the Conferia's Support Centre under or writing to the e-mail address or in a written form to the registered address of the Organiser.
  2. Claims concerning conduct of the Conference shall be lodged within 14 days since the date of termination of the Conference. The date of lodging the claim shall be the date on which it was received by the Organiser.
  3. The claims lodged after the date referred to in para 2 shall not be considered.
  4. The Organiser will consider the claim within a period not exceeding 30 calendar days.

VIII. closing provisions

  1. Unless otherwise specified in these Regulations, the Organiser and the User, who sent the Attendee or Speaker Registration Form, shall contact with each other in electronic form, on the User side to the e-mail address specified in the Account settings, and on the Organiser side to the addresses specified on the Contact page.
  2. In the event any provision of these Regulations is invalid or ineffective, all other provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. On place of the invalid provision a valid one shall apply whose meaning is the closest to the purposes and effects of the functioning of the replaced provision and these Regulations.
  3. Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct are integral parts of these Regulations.
  4. Valid Regulations shall be published on the Service website and delivered free of charge to Users on demand to an e-mail address indicated by them.
  5. These Regulations come in force on May 15th, 2024.
  6. The Organiser reserves the right to modify the Regulations. Users shall be informed of all changes to the Regulations within at least 14 days before changes become effective, through a message in the Service. In the event a User does not agree with a change to the Regulations, they shall inform the Organiser about this within the aforementioned period. Refusal to accept the new content of the Regulations shall be deemed as termination of the contract referred to in Art. 384 of the Civil Code, and shall take effect from the date of expiration of the period for expressing objections to the changes to Regulations. Until expiry of this period the existing provisions shall apply to the User.